
Update 3/10/18

Firstly, I'd like to apologize for not updating for so long! It's just that I'm busy with school and other more important life things, and I got way off track with my routine of updating this site. I want to revamp a lot of things since they seem not so good now that it's been two months, so stay tuned!! Also, forgive me if the site looks like a HUGE mess right now...

Update 1/19/18

Hello! I did most of these updates yesterday, but I became quite ill after doing so, so I just went to sleep. In any case, the updates contain a few minor changes around the site, as well as a blog entry, some artwork, and some new content on the cool tunes page (with horrendously clashing genres this time). Today I hope to write more about my characters on Toyhouse as well as writing more about the areas in The Distorted World. I will also probably finish up a commmission and maybe add a commissions page so people can throw money at me and get a drawing in return.

Update 1/15/18

Hiya, everyone! I've added 4 (mostly simple) original works and 1 commission to the art page, and if I finish more art today, I'll add that too. The main focus of this update, however, is my new art project called The Distorted World. It's a huge work in progress at the moment, and I'm not sure what direction I want to go with it yet, but I have jumped in and started, since that is what I tend to do. The Distorted World is a way for me to express myself in an unconventional and fearlessly imaginative way, much like I used to when I was 12-15 years old. So far I have drawn a few of the characters, and I plan to draw some of the landscapes soon. If you want to read more about the characters, I have started to type out some bits of information about them on my Toyhouse.

That's all for now, see you later!

Update 1/13/18

Heyo, my dudes! As you can see, I changed up the site's layout, since I was not fond of the old one. This one isn't particularly great either, but I like it a little better.

I also added a few songs to the cool tunes page and a few pictures to the photography page. Anyway, I am very tired, so that's all for now.

Update 1/12/18

Hello! I created a ~cool tunes~ page that will mostly be consisted of Vocaloid. I have also added a few more links to the other sites page, and I added a blog entry the other day. Like I have said in my blog, school work has hit me like a brick, but I have a three-day weekend ahead of me, so I hope to do something cool and creative within that time frame.

I am currently thinking of ideas for new pages, especially in the "other" section, so stay tuned...!

Update 1/7/18

Hey! I haven't got much content today. I've created a client-side include for my sidebar that enables me to edit every page's sidebar at once so I don't have to edit each individual page, which is a huge chore... I used this helpful tutorial!

I'm thinking of adding a page for music I enjoy, and I'm working on a page of useful and fun links. In the meantime, have this pixel I drew. There's no blog entry today because I did nothing but sleep, whoops. That's all for now.

Update 1/6/18

Howdy! I realized that since I tend to update, edit, and save my site obsessively, it probably spams anyone following me. My apologies, but I don't know how to fix this...!

I also added another piece of artwork. I try to complete at least one piece of art a day, but I am prone to frequent art block. Currently I am writing another entry for my blog, so watch out for that later today.

Edit: I finished the blog entry. :^) I also added a new song!

Update 1/5/18

Hello! I had originally created this website a few months ago, but I changed my mind on what I wanted the content to be, so it's been completely revamped. All of the links that have normal names are working, although a few pages are WIPs. All other links go to my favorite website, Crouton. Please excuse these silly placeholder links until I create more content.